Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Leaders Speech

Kia Ora, QZealanders,  I am the leader of the Q.Z. First party.  I hope that this speech will open your minds and think of how you will enjoy QZealand even more if we get most of the votes.  So QZealanders,  here’s why I think that you should vote for the best party, Q.Z. First.

We are a party who cares about you. We care about your education and having fun while you learn. so we want to bring both of those together by letting you have fun while you learn. We all have worked very hard as a team and we have had our ups and downs but in the end we are all very impressed with what we have achieved.

Q.Z. First has two policies and they are,  a new throne because we need it and it is very popular in our class and a student of the week award because we care about your learning and to get this you will need to have participated in maths, reading and writing and have tried your hardest to achieve that.

Well now you shall know that we are for you we want you to learn but in a fun way and our policy's  are a new throne because we need one and a student of the week award for excellent learners how really strive for excellence hopefully we will have your vote because Q.Z. First is here for you.

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